Day after day you procrastinate until working out is a myth worthy of Atlantis status. Staying motivated to get up and workout can be tough. But by learning the secrets to real motivation, you can easily make it to the gym without any fuss.

As far as friends go, you can't have a better reason to workout. An exercise buddy can drag you up and give you a reason to hit the weights. Likewise, you'll be there to keep them going. And having somebody who depends on you is a great reason not to flake out.

Pick somebody who's as determined as you to get fit. You can grab a friend, family member, or gym pal to fill this role. Agree to meet at a certain time, like an appointment, and treat it as something you can't miss.

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For emotional support, consider hitting the internet for an online buddy too. Instant messenger, forums, and other groups are full of people just like you who are looking for a foundation for their fitness. Together, the two of you can exchange ideas, stories, and progress reports :%$#150; even making it a kind of competition.

Odd as it sounds, where you workout can make a huge difference too. A dark, cramped and dreary exercise space can wreak havoc on your motivation. Just the thought of going to a workout tomb will keep you plopped down on the couch.

So instead, make your workout area clean, bright and airy; be sure you have enough room to feel comfortable and not claustrophobic. If going to a gym isn't for you, build your home gym in a separate room free of boxes, furniture, or other annoyances. Make sure plenty of light comes in and consider adding a few full-sized mirrors to give the illusion of more space.

Something else you might consider adding to your home gym (or nightstand) is a collection of self help books. For most people just reading the success stories of others is enough to get them excited and keep them moving. Take a trip to the library to scope out some titles you like, then log on to your favorite bookstore and grab a personal copy to keep.

While self help is essential, performing exercises that give you results is important too. That's where books and posters come in handy. Choose a list of proven workouts from books, posters, and websites and pin them to the wall. You can refer back to these when you lose sight of your routine.

A great ebook with some of the most effective dumbbell exercises can be downloaded at []. You can print out these strength training exercises, aerobics, and physical training routines used by police officers, then post them up as a personal road map.

Another good idea is to change up your exercise routines. By not doing the same thing, over and over, week after week, you'll keep your workouts fresh and fun.

Considering how important energy is to motivation, it just makes sense to eat right also. If your body has extra energy to burn, you'll workout longer, toning and building more strength. Choose dishes made with hearty ingredients like potatoes and pasta. According to med websites, these foods take longer to metabolize in your body :%$#150; therefore adding more fuel to your workouts.

Wait a couple hours after eating a hearty meal to hit the weights or the treadmill though. You'll avoid stomach cramps and get the most out of that energy boost.

Many people find that a brief walk or jog energizes them too. On those days when you're feeling sluggish try a brisk walk or jog around your neighborhood or the park. To change things up :%$#150; and keep motivated :%$#150; try walking in the mall. Just avoid the food court.

Finally, offer yourself a reward. Choose something you really want and only treat yourself if you reach your fitness goal. Don't give in: if you don't make your goal, don't buy that new DVD. If you do succeed give yourself the reward you wanted. This is where a workout buddy can really come in handy :%$#150; by keeping you honest!


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